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Online Safety


New technologies have become integral to the lives of children in today’s society, both within school and in their lives outside school.

The Internet and other digital and information technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone. Electronic communication helps us to learn from eachother. These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and increase awareness of context to promote effective learning. Children should have an entitlement to safe Internet access at all times.

Online safety relates to the education of using new technology responsibly and safely, focussing on raising awareness of the core messages of safe content, contact, and commerce when using technology online. This can include accessing websites and online content, email, online chat rooms, mobile phones, gaming and games consoles, social networking sites, instant messaging, and viruses and spam.  

At Metheringham Primary School we have invested in online safety training for all staff, children from Y2-Y6 and offered specific  online safety training to parents. The training was designed to raise awareness of the advantages and risks of ICT and how to educate children to use the Internet safely. Unfortunately children can be at risk both in school and outside of school. Some of these dangers include:

  • Access to illegal, harmful or inappropriate images or other content

  • Unauthorised access to / loss of / sharing of  personal information

  • The risk of being subject to grooming by those with whom they make contact on the internet.

  • The sharing / distribution of personal images without an individual’s consent or knowledge

  • Inappropriate communication / contact with others, including strangers

  • Cyber-bullying

  • Access to unsuitable video / internet games

  • An inability to evaluate the quality, accuracy and relevance of information on the internet

  • Plagiarism and copyright infringement

  • Illegal downloading of music or video files

  • The potential for excessive use which may impact on the social and emotional development and learning of the young person.

Below you can find links to useful websites that can raise awareness and support you in keeping your children safe online.

Please find a video that helps parents set up parental controls on devices:


Please find a video that helps parents to set up privacy controls on SnapChat:

Please find a video to help parents set up parental controls on Roblox:

 Please find a video to help parents set up Nintendo Switch Parental Controls App:

Please find a video to help parents set up YouTube Kids App:

Please find our latest Online Safety Newsletters that are sent out to parents and carers each month: